The Premises will not assume the role of a pub and the alcohol licence has been applied for
in order to provide alcoholic beverage for Adults who attend the premises as paying guests or attendees at functions run by Walby Farm. The primary role of the Farm Park is to entertain children with the provision of a physical activity centre, access to see farm animals and a cafe to supply food. The main provision of alcoholic beverage will be during seasonal events which are popular and to cater for adults who attend the premises and want to enjoy an alcoholic drink responsibly.
The Premises is located on the small road parallel with the A 689 - there is another farm premises and small cluster of houses approx 400yds from Walby farm Park.
Visitors almost exclusively arrive at the premises by motor vehicle - family car, mini bus or coach.
These factors have been considered in the application.
The Operating Schedule has been agreed with the Police and incorporates their advice.
The prevention of crime and disorder
A tamper proof CCTV system will be maintained at the premises and shall be used to record during all hours that a licensable activity takes place on the premises and
1. Will be used to record images to assist in the identification of individuals during all hours that the premises are open to the public.
2. The images recorded by the CCTV system shall be retained in unedited form for a period of not less than 31 days (subject to the Data Protection Act 1998). These images must be of a standard that is clearly visible without blurring or obstructions and will be available for inspection by authorised officers of the council and any police officer. A member of staff trained on how to work the CCTV and be able to download the content must be on duty during opening hours.
3. We request that the CCTV system must be maintained and any failure (camera / system) is reported immediately to the Licensing Authority.
An incident book shall be kept at the premise in which details of crime and/or disorder and refusals (both alcohol and entry) relating to the premises shall be recorded. The incident book shall contain the following details;
1. time, date and location of incident.
2. nature of the incident
3. names, addresses and contact details of persons involved.
4. the result of the incident.
5. action taken to prevent further such incidents.
each entry signed by the DPS or other responsible person employed at the premises and so authorised by the DPS.
The incident book shall be made available to police upon request. Each entry shall be retained for a period of 12 months from date of completion.
All crimes committed within the premise will be reported to the police.
No irresponsible drinks promotions.
Public Safety
Promotion of Responsible drinking - the premises is a farm park with agricultural machinery and farm animals so staff are already aware of safety issues - anybody assessed to be intoxicated will be asked to leave.
Staff Training and records kept.
Assessment of safe capacity for the venue and adequate monitoring and control measures to avoid overcrowding.
Assessment and monitoring of noise exposure ( we are aware that there are dwellings in proximity to the premises).
Assessment of crowd dynamics.
Fire safety and emergency lighting - we will cooperate fully with inspections.
Incident book to be maintained to record refusals of alcohol sale and any adverse incidents.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
Routine consideration for, and ongoing self assessment of impact of any noise on local residents.
Any complaints received will be made known to management and addressed accordingly.
When regulated entertainment is taking place indoors all windows and doors will be kept closed in order to reduce any noise escape from the premises.
If a Marquee is used for events - every effort will be made to avoid disturbance to neighbouring properties.
Bottle bins will be emptied at a reasonable hour. Not after 10pm or before 8am.
It is not considered likely that any members of the public who have visited our premises will leave the premises on foot - ie walking past local residences causing any disorder or anti social behaviour.
Measures to deal with queues safely (it is not anticipated that the road will be obstructed to any degree as we have large car park facilities.
Staff will be deployed to monitor arrivals and departures during planned events.
Notices to be placed requesting that respect is accorded by people leaving our premises to local residents.
Safe and responsible removal of waste.
Protection of children from Harm.
Adoption of challenge 21 policy for alcohol sales - Proof of age requirement: proof of age policy is to be applied with the accepted means of proof of age being:
Passport or Driving Licence or other recognised valid photo‐id card bearing the PASS hologram
Staff training in relation to Challenge 21.
Notices/Posters to promote Challenge 21
Measures to prevent proxy sales to U.18s
Refusals log to be maintained.
Responsible marketing of alcohol away from children.
Notices to prevent the leaving of alcoholic drinks unsupervised.
Notices will be clearly displayed within the premises stating that it is an offence for any person over 18years to purchase alcohol for anyone under 18years.