CCTV to be installed in the premises to include coverage of the cash tills. The images recorded to be retained in an unedited format for a period of 31 days; Recorded images to be made available to the police and authorised officer of the council upon request.
The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
Staff to be instructed that alcohol may not be sold to any person who is believed to be drunk.
Notices to be displayed inside the premises stating that it is an offence for any person under 18yrs to purchase alcohol.
Public Safety
The premises to be subject to regular and on-going risk assessments linked to the physical aspects of the premises.
A fire risk assessment to be conducted and reviewed regularly in accordance with the requirements of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order) 2005.
All fire fighting equipment shall be maintained and certified in accordance with the required conditions.
Public Liability insurance to be in place.
The Prevention of Public Nuisance
As a retail store the premises will not provide entertainment or play loud music and is not considered likely to give risks of public nuisance arising from noise. In those circumstances noise attenuation measures are not considered to be appropriate.
The Protection of Children from Harm
Staff to be trained that alcohol must not be sold to persons under 18yrs of age.
A 'Challenge 21' policy to be implemented.
Acceptable form of evidence of age to be a passport, photo driving licence or 'prove it' card containing a PASS logo.
The cash tills used for the sale of alcohol to have benefit of an electronic "prompt" for operators in respect of age restricted sales.