The prevention of crime and disorder
A C.C.T.V. system has been installed and is working to the satisfaction of Carlisle City Council and the Licensing Authority.
Recordings will be maintained for an appropriate period of time to be agreed with the Police and the Licensing Authority.
If the C.C.T.V. equipment fails, then Police and the Licensing Authority will be informed immediately by telephone and
immediate steps will be taken to put the equipment back into working order.
A notice will be displayed at the entrance to the premises advising that C.C.T.V. is in operation.
At least one C.C.T.V. camera will be in operation at the front of the premises at all times when the premises is in use.
Bottles and glasses
Alcohol and soft drinks will be served in plastic or toughened glasses.
All bottles and glasses are to be removed from public areas as soon as the contents have been drunk or are empty.
Bottle bins for collection or empty bottles will not be accessible to members of the public.
We will become members of the Town Link Radio System which provides two way communication between licensed
premises in Carlisle Licensing Authority should this be available
The equipment will be kept in working order at all times.
The equipment will be on at all times the premises are open to the public, and will be monitored by the Designated
Premises Supervisor or other responsible staff member.
All instances of crime and disorder will be reported to the Police as soon as reasonably practicable via C.C.T.V. or the radio.
Capacity Limits
We have a capacity limit of 250 internally to prevent overcrowding which could lead to crime and disorder.
The capacity limit will be based on advice from the Police, Fire, Service and our own risk assessment.
Proof of Age Cards
We have a proof of age policy that has been formulated in discussion with the Police and the Licensing Authority.
Drinks Promotions
All-inclusive nights or other irresponsible drinks promotions will not be permitted.
We have an anti-drugs policy that has been agreed following discussion with the Police and the Licensing Authority.
The Police will be notified of all seizures of controlled drugs.
A detailed “Customer Code of Conduct” poster is conspicuously displayed warning customers that if they act in an
inappropriate manner they could be barred from all licensed premises in the vicinity.
Any restrictions on the admission of children to the premises are conspicuously displayed outside the premises.
We are a member of Pubwatch and a representative attends Pubwatch meetings and participates in all initiatives.
Public safety
Fire Safety
We have conducted a suitable Fire Risk Assessment at the premises and implemented the necessary control measures.
All exit doors are easily operable without the use of a key, card, code or similar means.
Exit doors are regularly checked to ensure they function satisfactorily.
Records of all these checks are kept and can be produced on request.
All removable security fastenings are removed whenever the premises are open to the public or staff.
All fire doors are maintained unobstructed and effectively self- closing and will not be held open other than with approved
Fire resistant doors to service shafts, ducts and cupboards are kept locked shut.
Step and stair edges are appropriately highlighted so as to be conspicuous.
Hangings, curtains and temporary decorations are maintained in a flame retardant condition.
Upholstered seating is fire retardant and complies with current fire safety regulations.
Curtains, hangings and temporary decorations are located so as not to obstruct exits, fire safety signs or fire-fighting
Notices detailing the actions to be taken in the event of fire or other emergency are prominently displayed and maintained
in good condition.
Access is provided for emergency vehicles and kept clear and free from obstruction at all times.
Fire drill and emergency lighting tests are conducted monthly. Records of these tests are available upon request.
All fire exits and means of escape are signed in accordance with BS5499: Part 1: Specification for Fire Safety Signs : 1990.
An evacuation policy is in place that is to the satisfaction of the Fire Authority. All staff members have been trained in fire
and emergency evacuation procedures.
Wall and ceiling finishes are fire resistant to the appropriate standard.
Exit doors open outwards or are secured in the open position if this is not the case.
Disabled People
Adequate arrangements exist to enable the safe movement within the premises of disabled people and their safe
evacuation in the event of an emergency.
First Aid
Adequate and appropriate First Aid equipment and materials are available on the premises.
At least one suitable trained First Aider will be on duty when the public are present.
If more than one First Aider is present, their respective duties will be clearly
Fire Safety - Lighting
In the absence of adequate daylight suitable and sufficient artificial lighting is provided and maintained in any area
accessible to the public.
Fire safety signs are adequately illuminated.
Emergency lighting is installed and regularly maintained.
Emergency lighting batteries are fully charged before the admission of the public.
The emergency lighting battery has a capacity of 15 minutes to allow adequate evacuation of the premises.
Emergency lighting tests are conducted monthly. Records of these tests are available upon request.
Safety Certificates
The premises have either a current and satisfactory National Inspection Council (for) Electrical Installation Contracting (N.I.C.
E.I.C.) or Electrical Contractors Association (E.C.A.) periodic electrical installation report. An inspection is carried out every
year(s) and a new report will be obtained each time.
The premises have either a current satisfactory N.I.C.E.I.C. or E.C.A. periodic emergency lighting report. An inspection is
carried out every year and a new report obtained each time.
The premises have a current Council (for) Registered Gas Installers (C.O.R.G.I.) certificate of inspection in respect of any gas
boiler or appliance. An inspection is carried out every year and a new report obtained each time.
The premises have current and suitable Public Liability Insurance in the sum of £5million. A certificate will be obtained each
year and displayed at the premises.
The premises have current certificates of inspection for all portable fire fighting equipment. An inspection is carried out
every year and new certificates will be obtained at these intervals.
The premises have a current certificate of inspection for the fire detection alarm. An inspection is carried out every year
and a new certificate will be obtained at these intervals.
Any temporary electrical installation being used is checked before use by a N.I.C.E.I.C. or E.C.A. electrician and a temporary
electrical installation report or a certificate of compliance with British Standard BS7909: 1998 will be obtained.
All safety signs warning customers about the risks to their health and safety are to comply with BS5378 1980 : Safety Signs
and Colours.
Free drinking water will be available at all times when the premises is open to the public.
A “No Smoking Inside” policy is operated and enforced at the premises for all interior space and designated exterior spaces.
Seats both internally and externally are available to accommodate 70% of the maximum capacity of the premises
The prevention of public nuisance
Noise and vibration
All windows are double glazed to minimise the breakout of noise.
The premises are air-conditioned however it is possible to open doors and windows for increased ventilation.
All entrances and exits have an effective lobby to minimise the breakout of noise.
Prominent, clear and legible notices are displayed at all exits requesting patrons to respect the needs of local residents and
to leave the premises and the area quietly.
Disposal of empty bottles into waste receptacles outside the premises will not be permitted to take place between the
hours of 24:00 hrs and 07:00 hrs to minimise disturbance to nearby occupiers.
The playing of live or recorded music in garden or outside seating areas of the premises is not permitted.
The garden or outside seating areas are closed to the public after 24.00 hrs.
All fixed plant and equipment at the premises e.g. ventilation systems that produce significant levels of noise are fitted with
appropriate means of noise suppression and are restricted in their use so as to minimise disturbance to any neighbouring
noise sensitive premises.
Noxious smells
All ventilation and extract systems are designed and maintained so as to prevent noxious smells causing a nuisance to
nearby properties.
Refuse receptacles are cleaned with disinfectant at least weekly.
Light pollution
Flashing / bright / flood lights used outside the premises and any security or access lighting installed will not be operated so
as to cause a nuisance to nearby occupiers.
All external lighting, including floodlighting, is directed away from adjacent occupiers.
Litter receptacles are placed outside the premises for customers to use and are emptied at least daily.
The premises has a waste collection contract with a suitable contractor who remove waste.
The protection of children from harm
The premises has clear signs displayed for restricting people under 18 years.
The premises operates a proof of age policy that has been agreed by the police.
When children are allowed on the premises, a “no smoking” area of such a size and design that it genuinely provides a
suitable, comfortable area for children and families wishing to be separated from smoking areas will be available.