Following an assessment of the premises and its surrounding area the following is proposed:
30 minute "drinking up" time will allow appropriate dispersal, use of lavatories etc
In order to further the licensing objectives the licensee reserves the right to move the fire appliances, AWP machines, cigarette machines and or any other similar objects temporarily in a fixed location which may impact on the ability of individuals on the premises to use exits or escape routes without impediment.
I will abide by the licencing codes as below.
I am a member of pub watch.
The prevention of crime and disorder
The Designated Premises Supervisor, when present, and all members of staff shall ensure that all lawful instructions and/or directions given by the Police are complied with.
No drink shall be removed from the premises in an unsealed container.
Public safety
All parts of the premises shall at all times be kept free from defect and no changes, alterations of any kind to the surface finish or coverings including furniture and flooring on any part of the premises shall be made without the prior approval of the Council.
All exits and escape routes to those exits (including external escape routes) from the premises shall be provided with slip resistant even surfaces and shall be maintained in good repair, correct working order and kept free from all obstructions when the public are on the premises. External escape routes shall also be kept free from ice and snow.
The nosings on all steps and landings shall be maintained so that they are clearly visible by painting them in contrasting colours or other similar means.
All doors or gates both inside and outside the premises which are on an escape route shall be fitted only with approved fasteners and shall at all times be properly maintained, free from obstruction and be capable of being opened easily and fully so that they do not restrict the public leaving the premises and shall open in the direction of the escape route.
Where a door on an escape route opens against the direction of exit travel, it shall be locked in the open position by a tamper-proof fastening when the public uses the premises and there shall be a clearly visible notice in capital letters which contains the following words, “THIS DOOR SHALL BE KEPT LOCKED IN THE OPEN POSITION WHEN THE PREMISES ARE OCCUPIED” displayed in a clearly visible position next to the door.
All exit doors and gates from premises or enclosure(s) surrounding it shall be capable of being opened by any person without the use of a key, card, code or other similar means and be kept free from all fastening devices when the premises are open to the public.
The method of opening any exit door or gate from the premises or enclosure(s) surrounding it shall be clearly displayed immediately above or below the fastening in white block lettering on a green background in letters not less than 50 mm high.
Where any automatic self-closing fire-resisting doors activated by a fire alarm or fire detection system are fitted within the premises they shall not be prevented from closing by any device and shall be marked to both sides of the doors so that they are clearly visible and positioned at or about eye level with the words "AUTOMATIC FIRE DOOR KEEP CLEAR" in block letters not less than 50mm high when the premises are open to the public.
Any door or gate in the premises which is not an exit door or gate shall have a sign bearing the word "PRIVATE" in block letters not less than 50 mm high.
The furniture or seating in premises shall be arranged so that it does not obstruct any exit, route to any exit or to any facility within the premises.
The premises shall be maintained so that the following fire retardancy standards are complied with:
(i) All upholstered seating meets on a continuous basis the pass criteria for smouldering ignition source 1 and crib ignition source 5 when tested in accordance with section 5 of BS 5852:1990.
(ii) All repairs or refurbishment of existing seating or upholstery shall include the removal of untreated polyurethane foam and its replacement by fillings which conform to the Furniture and Furnishings (Safety) Regulations 1988 (as amended).
(iii) Carpets - B.S.4790 low radius of spread.
(iv) Walls and Ceilings - Circulation areas, Building Regulations. Class O General Areas, B.S.476 Class1.
(v) All artificial foliage, floral decorations or any other decoration provided on the premises shall be of inherently flameproof material.
Where any furnishing or fitting in the premises including wall, floor and ceiling linings, requires further periodic treatment to maintain the surface spread of flame qualities, they shall be treated in accordance with the manufacturers specifications. When such treatment is carried out, a written record shall be made in the logbook kept for that purpose and a certificate showing the treatment has been carried out shall be obtained and retained for inspection by the Fire Authority.
No curtain, hanging or any other decoration shall be positioned so as to obstruct any exit, sign or fire fighting equipment. Curtains covering doorways should be divided down the middle and so hung that the lower edge of the curtain does not touch the floor. They should not obstruct notices, exit signs, fire fighting equipment etc.
A person who is nominated for the purpose of taking control in the event of a fire, fire alarm, emergency or event which may effect the safety of persons attending the premises shall be on and in charge of the premises at all times when any licensable activity is being provided.
That person shall be responsible for calling the Fire Service in the event of any fire and that person shall also be responsible for meeting the Fire Service and advising them of the location of the fire.
Clear and unobstructed access shall be available to the premises for use by the emergency services and emergency service vehicles at all times.
There shall be maintained on the premises at all times an adequate and appropriate supply of first aid equipment and materials.
When the public, members or guests are present, the lighting levels in all parts of the premisesshall be capable of providing sufficient illumination for the public, members or guests to leave the premises safely and there shall be at least one person who is nominated to switch on the house lights in an emergency situation. (Note where the premises are a theatre or cinema, a complete or substantially complete blackout may be permitted for production reasons provided that the exit signs shall be kept lit at all times).
The controls for the emergency lighting shall be protected from unauthorised use and accidental operation and the system designed so that the emergency lighting cannot be altered.
Every battery which is used to power an emergency light or exit sign shall be maintained in a fully charged condition at all times.
No temporary electrical wiring or distribution system shall be installed in the premises unless, the installation is carried out by a suitably qualified and competent person. The premises licence holder or Club Premises Certificate holder shall obtain a certificate from that person that the installation is fit for purpose and complies with British Standard 7671 and where applicable, British Standard 7909. A copy of that certificate shall be produced by the Premises Licence Holder or the Club Premises Certificate Holder if requested to do so by an Authorised officer of the Council or an Officer of the Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service.
Where any temporary electrical wiring or distribution system has been installed in any premises by a person who is not competent to do so, the premises licence holder or Club Premises Certificate holder installation shall have the installation inspected and certified in writing by a suitably qualified and competent person that it is fit for purpose and complies with British Standard 7671 and where applicable, British Standard 7909. A copy of that certificate shall be produced by the Premises Licence Holder or the Club Premises Certificate Holder if requested to do so by an Authorised officer of the Council or an Officer of the Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service.
The premises shall be provided with adequate and accessible lavatory accommodation which shall at all times when the premises are in use be kept clean, ventilated, disinfected and supplied with hot and cold water, soap, toilet tissue, hand drying and sanitary towel disposal facilities as appropriate.
The prevention of public nuisance
All external doors and windows shall be kept closed when regulated entertainment is being provided except in the event of an emergency.
Refuse such as bottles shall be disposed of from the premises at a time when it is not likely to cause a disturbance to residents in the vicinity of the premises.
Where there are any offensive smells created on the premises, provision shall be made for such smells to be vented from the premises so that they do not cause a nuisance to nearby premises.
Where the premises provide food to the public for consumption on or off the premises there shall be provided at or near the exits, sufficient waste bins to enable the disposal of waste food, food containers, wrappings etc.
No light from or on the premises and any other light under the control of the premises shall be provided where that light causes a nuisance to any nearby premises.
The protection of children from harm
The Premises Licence Holder and Designated Premises Supervisor shall at all times comply with the Portman Group Code of Practice and with the requirements or recommendations of any Portman Group Retailer Alert Bulletin.