(a) General
To meet the four licensing objectives, we ensure a safe and secure environment by using a high-resolution CCTV system with audio, supported by SIA-licensed door supervisors during busy periods. Staff are trained in handling difficult situations, including “Ask Angela” and drink spiking awareness, with test kits readily available. We prioritize cleanliness, noise control and odour management to prevent public nuisance and maintain a clean, accessible outdoor seating area. Additionally, our staff are trained in fire safety, and a first-aid-trained team member is always on-site, ensuring public safety and well being. The premises also provide full disability access.
(b) The Prevention of Crime and Disorder
A tamper proof CCTV system will be maintained at the premises and shall be used to record during all hours that a licensable activity takes place on the premises and:-
* Will be used to record images to assist in the identification of individuals during all hours that the premises are open to the public.
* There shall be a minimum of one high resolution camera fitted itn a weatherproof housing, for external coverage of any entrance.
* There shall be a minimum of one high‐resolution colour camera fitted to the public entrance/exit to provide a quality head and shoulder image for facial recognition/identification purposes of all persons entering the premises.
* The images re corded by the CCTV system shall be retained in unedited form for a period of not less than 31 days (subject to the Data Protection Act 1998). These images must be of a standard that is clearly visible without blurring or obstructions and will be available for inspection by authorised officers of the council and any police officer. A member of staff trained how to work the CCTV and be able to download the content must be on duty during opening hours.
* We request that the CCTV system must be maintained and any failure (camera / system) is reported immediately to the Licensing Authority.
* SIA door supervisors will be provided at the premises on Friday and Saturday nights to such a number as the management of the premises consider are sufficient to control the entry of persons to the premises and for the keeping of order in the premises when they are used for a licensable activity. They will be in position from 21:00hours until the premises close. Clock in and clock out watches to be used by door supervisors.
* Door supervisors will also be employed during all public / bank holidays, for private functions and at any time management believes they are necessary.
A record/log book will be kept on the premises by the Designated Premises Supervisor of every person employed on the premises as a door supervisor. The record shall be retained for a period of 12 months from date of completion and contain the following details:
1. The door supervisor's name;
2. His/Her Security Industry Authority licence number;
3. The time and date he/she commenced and concluded their duty;
4. The door supervisors shall sign each entry; and
5. The Designated Premises Supervisor or other authorised person shall also endorse each entry as having checked the authenticity of the individual door supervisor.
An incident book shall be kept at the premise in which details of crime and/or disorder and refusals (both alcohol and entry) relating to the premises shall be recorded. The incident book shall contain the following details;
1. time, date and location of incident.
2. nature of the incident
3. names, addresses and contact details of persons involved.
4. the result of the incident.
5. action taken to prevent further such incidents.
6. each entry signed by the DPS or other responsible person employed at the premises and so authorised by the DPS.
The incident book shall be made available to police, or authorised officers of the licensing authority, upon request. Each entry shall be retained for a period of 12 months from date of completion.
The designated premise supervisor, when present, and all members of staff shall ensure that all lawful instructions and or directions given by the police are complied with.
All crimes committed within the premise will be reported to the police.
Notices will be clearly displayed within the premises stating that it is an offence for any person over 18years to purchase alcohol for anyone under 18years.
The licence holder and/or the designated premises supervisor or a person nominated will continue to be involved and actively participate in Pub Watch.
(c) Public Safety
There will be in place the following:
• Drugs Policy
• Door Supervisor Policy
• Search Policy
• Dispersal Policy
and these polices shall be made available for inspection by a police licensing officer or any person authorised by the licensing authority.
The premise will have a zero tolerance policy towards drugs misuse. If anyone is found using or in possession of illegal substances, the matter will be immediately reported to the police and raised at the next Pubwatch meeting. The individual will also receive a lifetime ban from the premises.
A fire risk assessment will be completed to the satisfaction of Cumberland fire and rescue service.
All firefighting equipment will be maintained in good working order.
All fire exits will be maintained free from any obstructions at all times.
All spillages and breakages within the premises will be immediately cleaned and signed by staff.
Staff trained in “Ask for Angela” and drink spiking awareness, with test kits readily available. In addition, staff will undergo comprehensive in-house training to handle difficult situations, including dealing with abusive behaviour, theft, enforcing Challenge 25, identifying fake IDs, and preventing proxy sales.
We will always have a staff member on-site who is first aid trained to respond to any medical situations that may arise. Furthermore, all staff are trained in fire safety through our in-house program and are fully aware of the fire exits and designated assembly points.
The premises are also equipped with disability access to ensure inclusivity and accessibility for all.
(d) The Prevention of Public Nuisance
When regulated entertainment is taking place after 2300hours any external windows in areas where live or recorded music is taking place shall be kept closed until the regulated entertainment is no longer taking place and any door(s) leading from the areas where the regulated entertainment is taking place to outside be closed for the same period save for entry and exit to the premises (NB: this may not in all cases be the last door out of the premises and may be one within a lobby or corridor).
No noise nuisance will be caused to neighbouring properties.
Bottle bins will be emptied at a reasonable hour. Not after 10pm or before 8am.
Employees must make regular checks of the outside seating area to ensure that patrons are not causing a nuisance to residents by way of noise or disorder and, if they are, action must be taken to desist this. A written record must be kept showing the dates and times of the checks and any action taken. The checks should be carried out frequently and at least every hour when the outside area is in use.
Odor: We will ensure that no unpleasant odours emanate from the premises, and the venue will be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each night.
(e) The Protection of Children from Harm
The Challenge 25 scheme must be operatored to ensure that any person who appears to be under the age of 25, shall provide documented proof that he/she is over 18 years of age. Proof of age shall only comprise a passport, photo card driving licence, an EU/EEA national ID card or similar document, an HM Forces warrant card, a card bearing the PASS hologram, or any electronic or biometric age verification technology approved by the licensing authority.
The premises shall display prominent signage indicating at any point of sale and at the entrance to the premises that the Challenge 25 scheme is in operation. All staff authorised to sell alcohol shall be trained in:
Relevant age restrictions in respect of products
Preventing underage sales
Preventing proxy sales
Enter sales correctly on the tills so the prompts show as appropriate (if relevant)
Training must include evidence that the trainee has gained knowledge and understanding of the training, which may consist of a test or quiz, completed by the trainee.
Documented records of training completed shall be kept fo each member of staff. Training shall be regularly refreshed and at no greater that 12 monthly intervals. Training records shall be made available for inspection upon request by a police officer or an authorised officer.
Children are welcome on the premises during Café hours, which are from 10:00am to 4:00pm, provided they are accompanied by an adult. During these hours, we offer a special promotion where children can dine for £1 with the purchase of an adult meal.
Occasionally, we host private events such as baby showers, where children may also be present. For these functions, we will ensure that a minimum of one SIA- licensed door supervisor is on duty. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times, with one adult required per child. Please note that children are required to leave the premises by 8.00pm during these private events.