This is a variation application that does not represent a fundamental change in the way in which these premises have already been trading under its existing licences.
We wish to remove the terminal hour in order to provide customers with greater choice and flexibility.
Consideration has been given to ch.6 of the DCMS guidance and in particular para's 6.5 and 6.6 which contain an expression of the Government's strong belief that:-
"fixed and early closing times promote..........rapid binge drinking close to closing times, and are a key cause of disorder and disturbance when large numbers of customers are required to leave the premises simultaneously. This creates excessive pressures at places where fast food is sold or public or private transport is provided. This in turn produces friction and gives rise to disorder and peaks of noise and other nuisance behaviour". (para 6.5)
6.6 begins,
"the aim through the promotion of the licensing objectives should be to reduce the potential for concentrations and achieve a slower dispersal of people from licensed premises through longer opening times"
The removal of the terminal hour follows the guidance and the licensing objectives set out in chapter 6 as well as at para 3.2.9 where the guidance expresses the Government's wish to ensure that.................
"concentation of customers leaving premises simultaneously are avoided"
"licensing hours should not inhibit the development of thriving and safe evening and night-time local economies which are important for investment and employment locally and attractive to domestic and international tourists without compromising the ability to resource local services associated with the night time economy. Providing customers with greater choice and flexibility is an important consideration"
We will monitor the practices of other establishments in the vicinity to try and avoid closing times coinciding with other premises in the vicinity.
The general conditions attaching to the PEL apart from as amended will continue to apply.
The prevention of crime and disorder
The general conditions attaching to the PEL apart from as amended will continue to apply.
Public safety
We already understand our obligations under the existing Fire and Health and Safety legislation. When disabled persons are present on the premises there shall be in place arrangements for their safe evacuation in the case of an emergency or other reason.
All fire fighting and fire detection equipment is serviced on a yearly basis and we will continue to comply with the requirements of the Fire Authority.
The maximum number of persons allowed in these premises including staff and performers shall be 260.
The general conditions attaching to the PEL apart form as amended will continue to apply.
The prevention of public nuisance
The style and nature of the operation will not differ significantly from the existing trading operation during the extended hours; indeed the grant of the additional hours will itself promote the licensing objectives as stated at para 3.2.9 of the guidance in allowing customers to emerge from the premises at a more gradual rate.
Reasonable steps are taken to encourage customers to leave the premises quietly.
The licence holder or his representative shall conduct regular assessments of the noise coming from the premises and shall take steps to reduce the level of noise where it is likely to cause disturbance to local residents.
The general conditions attaching to the PEL apart from as amended will continue to apply.
The protection of children from harm
We will continue to ask people to provide proof of age where it is thought to be necessary.
No person under the age of 18 year shall be permitted on the premises between the hours of 21.00 hours and 06.00 hours.
No other risks identified.
The general conditions attaching to the PEL apart from as amended will continue to apply.
Additional conditions added to operating schedule (Cartmell Shepherd letter 3/8/05)
Prevention of crime and disorder
A method of communicating with other participating licensed premises by way of text / pager or radio links shall be provided at the premises.
Any text / pager or radio link provided for communication with the other licensed premises shall be kept in good working order at all times.
When the premises are open to the public, the communications link with other participating licensed premises shall be switched on and available to and monitored by the Designated Premises Supervisor or a nominated member of staff.
No person in possession of a drink in a sealed or unsealed container shall be allowed to enter the premises except for the purposes of delivery.
No drink shall be removed from the premises in an unsealed container.
The re shall be displayed on the premises notices asking visitors to the premises to leave quietly and to remember their responsibilities to people living in the neighbourhood. Door supervisors will draw attention to these signs.
The licence holder and/or the designated premises supervisor or a person nominated by them shall actively participate and be a member of a Pubwatch scheme for the area within which the premises is located.
The premises will continue to operate a strict door policy and will refuse admission to people who are intoxicated or to people who are known to misbehave.
Prevention of public nuisance
If a DJ is used on any night then he/she will ask customers to leave quietly and will remind members of the public of the repercussions of not doing so.
We will provide a 30 minute wind down period after the sale of alcohol in order to promote this objective as the last drink will be consumed less quickly with acces to the premises toilet facilities.
Any person who appears to be intoxicated when leaving the premises will be given care and consideration in leaving the venue and if necessary assistance will be given in calling a taxi.
There shall be provided at the premises edequate containers for the storage and disposal of refuse from the premises and arrangements shall be made for the lawful disposal of reuse on a daily basis. Waste foods will not be left outside the premises for collection.
The applicant will liaise with the refuse collector in order to ensure that refuse is left outside of the premises for as short a time as possible.