William Rufus (Lloyds No 1)

10-16 Botchergate, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 1QS

Completed application 010969 which is a Minor Variation Application for Premises Licence from 10/02/2010 to indefinite


Full Name J D Wetherspoon PLC

Designated Premises Supervisor

Full NameMr Matheu Ryan Potts

Permitted Activities

Premises Open Hours Requested
Time FromTime To
Sunday to Thursday 07:00 03:00
Friday and Saturday 07:00 03:30
New Years Eve Through to start of permitted hours next day
Non Standard Timings:

Extended hours in line with the non-standard timings outlined in paragraph M above plus an additional hour.

Good Friday to Easter Monday

Additional hour on the morning BST commences.

Good Friday to Easter Monday

In accordance with converted right, may open at any time for non licensable activities/purposes.

Activities - Times Requested
Time FromTime To
B. Exhibition of films (Indoors)
Sunday to Thursday 09:00 03:00
Friday and Saturday 09:00 03:30
New Years Eve Through to start of permitted hours next day
Non Standard Timings:

Extended hours in line with the non-standard timings outlined in paragraph M below.

E. Performance of live music (Indoors)
Sunday to Thursday 09:00 03:00
Friday and Saturday 09:00 03:30
New Years Eve Through to start of permitted hours next day
Non Standard Timings:

Extended hours in line with the non-standard timings outlined in paragraph M below.

F. Playing of recorded music (Indoors)
Sunday to Thursday 09:00 03:00
Friday and Saturday 09:00 03:30
New Years Eve Through to start of permitted hours next day
Non Standard Timings:

Extended hours in line with the non-standard timings outlined in paragraph M below.

G. Performance of dance (Indoors)
Sunday to Thursday 09:00 03:00
Friday and Saturday 09:00 03:30
New Years Eve Through to start of permitted hours next day
Non Standard Timings:

Extended hours in line with the non-standard timings outlined in paragraph M below.

H. Entertainment of a similar description to that falling within E, F, or G (Indoors)
Sunday to Thursday 09:00 03:00
Friday and Saturday 09:00 03:30
New Years Eve Through to start of permitted hours next day
Non Standard Timings:

Extended hours in line with the non-standard timings outlined in paragraph M below.

I. Provision of facilities for making music (Indoors)
Sunday to Thursday 09:00 03:00
Friday and Saturday 09:00 03:30
New Years Eve Through to start of permitted hours next day
Non Standard Timings:

Extended hours in line with the non-standard timings outlined in paragraph M below.

J. Provision of facilities for dancing (Indoors)
Sunday to Thursday 09:00 03:00
Friday and Saturday 09:00 03:30
New Years Eve Through to start of permitted hours next day
Non Standard Timings:

Extended hours in line with the non-standard timings outlined in paragraph M below.

K. Provision of facilities for entertainment of a similar description to that falling within I or J (Indoors)
Sunday to Thursday 09:00 03:00
Friday and Saturday 09:00 03:30
New Years Eve Through to start of permitted hours next day
Non Standard Timings:

Extended hours in line with the non-standard timings outlined in paragraph M below.

L. Late night refreshment (Indoors)
Sunday to Thursday 23:00 02:00
Friday and Saturday 23:00 03:30
New Years Eve Through to start of permitted hours next day
Non Standard Timings:

Extended hours in line with the non-standard timings outlined in paragraph M below.

M. The sale by retail of alcohol for consumption ON and OFF the premises
Sunday to Thursday 09:00 02:00
Friday and Saturday 09:00 03:00
New Years Eve Through to start of permitted hours next day
Christmas Eve 09:00 03:00
Boxing Day 09:00 03:00
Burns Night - 25 January 09:00 03:00
Australia Day - 26 January 09:00 03:00
St David's Day - 1 March 09:00 03:00
St Patrick's Day - 17 March 09:00 03:00
St George's Day - 23 April 09:00 03:00
St Andrew's Day - 30 November 09:00 03:00
Thursday 09:00 02:30 Day before Good Friday
Sunday 09:00 02:30 Day before Bank Holiday Monday
Non Standard Timings: Additional Hour on the morning BST commences
Non Standard Timings: 06:00 03:00

On no more than 12 occasions per calendar year, hours extended with 7 days notice and consent of Police, with notification to Licensing Authority

Additional Conditions