A Site Management Team and Safety Team will be set up for all Major Events.
The premises’ licence holder shall notify the Licensing Authority and the following Responsible Authorities, namely Cumbria Constabulary, Cumbria Fire and Rescue Service and Carlisle City Council Environmental Health, of the date selected for any concert or similar event at which more than 499 persons will be present. Notice should be given one month in advance for events where 500 - 1500 persons will be present and two months in advance for larger events.
Should the site layout for the event differ from the original plan submitted, a further plan, produced in accordance with the legislation should be provided with the above notification. This should include the siting of marquees where appropriate.
The above named Responsible Authorities will be invited to any Event Safety Management meeting organised by the premises’ licence holder.
During any concert or similar event the licence holder shall effectively manage proceedings so as to ensure that undue disturbance is not caused to local residents resulting from excessive noise. In order to facilitate this the licence holder shall also comply with any requirements made in this respect by an officer of the Responsible Authorities.
During any concert or similar event the licence holder shall take all reasonable measures to protect the health, safety and welfare of all persons present. In this respect regard should be given to the guidance contained in the ‘Guide to Health, Safety and Welfare at Pop Concerts and Similar Events’ published by the Health and Safety Executive.
During any concert or similar event, all officials and authorised representatives of the above named Responsible Authorities shall be granted unrestricted access to all areas of the site and facilities thereon for the purposes of enforcing any relevant statutory provisions relating to crime and disorder, public safety, public health and environmental protection.
In accordance with the recommendation of the Circus Arts Forum, where a circus intends to use this premises licence, a detailed site and premises plan will be submitted at least 28 days before the event to the Licensing Authority.
The Prevention Of Crime And Dissorder
Participation of Carlisle Crime and Dissorder Reduction Partnership and liason with Cumbria Constabulary
Public Safety
Employ Event stewards for all events.
Adopted Safety Plan and Emergency Procedures
Liason with Emergency Services
The Prevention Of Public Nuisance
Excessive noise prevention measures
Litter Clearance Policy
No unlicensed vendors permitted
The Protection Of Children From Harm
Encourage parental control
No 'Adult Only' entertainment
Adoption of child safety proceedures and briefing of stewards