Annex 2 - Conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule
1. Alcohol shall not be sold or supplied except during the permitted hours shown in this licence.
2. The premises will be inspected on a regular basis by inspectors employed by senior members of the company to ensure that the premises are being operated in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the company manual.
The prevention of crime and disorder
The premises will be equipped with a CCTV system that shall comprehensively cover the public areas of the premises and a panic button which will alert the alarm monitoring centre to contact the police in the event of an emergency.
Public safety
None other than those required by health and safety regulations.
The prevention of public nuisance
All staff are fully trained in how to deal with unsociable customers especially if under the influence of alcohol.
The protection of children from harm
1. No sale of alcohol will be made to any person believed to be under 21 unless a proof of age check has been made and suitable ID provided. All such ID is registered and recorded for future reference. All tills are programmed with age prompts when alcohol is scanned.
2. Inhouse test purchases are also undertaken to ensure compliance with regulations.