Annex 2 - Conditions Consistent with the Operating Schedule
The Hall Committee see their role as being custodians of the hall, to provide a venue for a range of activities over all ages to promote a community spirit. We do not have a school in the Parish and the events which we host - childrens parties, bonfire night, play scheme as well as W.I. flower club, short mat bowls means that folk can get to know fellow parishoners and establish that said "Community Spirit".
The prevention of crime and disorder
In the past we had some minor trouble with break-ins, the installation of double glazing stopped this. We have not had any trouble at events in the past and it is not our intention to alter our letting policy - in the main the hall is let to Parishoners, those outwith the Parish paying a deposit which is not refundable should any damage take place. There is no phone on the premises but with mobile phones being quite common help could quickly be summoned.
Public safety
We strive to maintain the hall for the community and the element of public safety though not always vocalised is at the core of our work. E.g. In the past when asked to upgrade fire safety measures we have undertaken this work immediately and will continue in future to comply with all necessary requirements.
The prevention of public nuisance
The hall is in its own grounds bounded on its two long sides by farmland and a public highway. The two other edges by private dwellings the owners of which have been consulted about this document and both are members of the Hall Committee (this has just come about and is not written into our constitution).
I cannot recall of any past incident of public nusiance and would hope to be always able to say that.
The protection of children from harm
The grounds are fenced and there are gates. The play area is given periodic inspections - one has just been carried out for ourselves in conjuction with the City Council.
Within the hall it is the Committee's aim to ensure a safe environment for all regardless of age or ability. Having said that if the audience was expected to be mostly children then we would have many more adults present in an official capacity to ensure safe evacuation should that be necessary.
No smoking.