The prevention of crime and disorder
Staff will be trained to recognise and manage drunken behaviour. Drunk persons will be asked to leave.
Zero tolerance of drugs.
The facilities will be closed in the event of disorder
All crimes committed on the premises will be reported.
Public safety
A suitable fire risk assessment will be completed to the satisfaction of Cumbria Fire Service.
All fire fighting equipment will be regularly maintained.
No noise nuisance will affect nearby residents.
The prevention of public nuisance
Patrons leaving the premises will be requested to consider others.
Any person attending the premises perceived to be intoxicated will be denied access.
The noise level from the premises and any temporary premises whilst being used for entertainment purposes, shall not cause nuisance to noise sensitive dwellings in the vicinity.
The protection of children from harm
All persons under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult at all times.